Travelling to Costa Rica

I am posting this from Costa Rica, but lack of a strong WiFi connection at the airport prevented me from writing about my travels.
While the journey officially began yesterday morning, it felt like it started when I had to say goodbye to the people I love earlier in the week. I have never been away from them for more than a couple weeks at a time, so three months is quite a big jump. Saying goodbye to friends I've known since kindergarten, are in college, and are currently driving all the way to Florida for college, brings on a kind of pain I've never felt.
By the time Thursday morning rolled around and it was time to leave home, saying goodbye to my family and my dogs was like salt in the wound. But, I know with everything I will be doing here, my days will be full and time will fly by. When the time comes to go back home, I know it's not going to be easy to leave my family here behind.
As far as actually travelling goes, it was mostly smooth sailing. My dad came with me and is staying until Tuesday. Due to there not being any flights out of Cleveland, Ohio, my mom drove us to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania to get on our first plane of the day. From there, we flew to Houston, Texas where a three hour layover turned into a four and a half hour layover. Finally, we boarded our plane to Costa Rica and arrived at around 8:15pm, or 10:15pm in Ohio time.
So far, I've met my family's dog and two cats, gotten reacquainted with my 8-year-old cousin, and slept off some jet lag. My cousin has begun reading the Harry Potter series, something I've been obsessed with since I was his age, so watching him become entranced by J.K. Rowling's magical world has made this transition significantly easier. I'm looking forward to watch him learn magic as I learn Spanish.
Thanks for reading, much love.

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